//lang = '' //::::: Lang var. class function clsLang() { this.bDebug = false; //The lang var array var lang = { L0 : 'hello :)', lang_Gen_1 : 'Settings', lang_Gen_2 : 'Help', lang_Gen_3 : 'Sign out', lang_Gen_4 : 'Mail', lang_Gen_5 : 'Contacts', lang_Gen_6 : 'Calendar', lang_Gen_7 : 'Drive', lang_Gen_8 : 'Translator', lang_Gen_9 : 'Loading...', lang_Gen_10 : 'Apps', lang_Gen_11 : 'Compose an email', lang_Gen_12 : 'Are you sure you want to sign out?', lang_Gen_13 : 'Yes', lang_Gen_14 : 'No', lang_Gen_15 : 'someone@xxxx.com', lang_Gen_16 : 'password', lang_Gen_17 : 'Keep me signed in', lang_Gen_18 : 'Incorrect email or password. ', lang_Gen_19 : 'This session is no longer active. _xxbreaklinexx_ To continue, please return to the main page and login again', lang_Gen_20 : 'Compose', lang_Gen_21 : 'Add new recipients to your contacts list', lang_Gen_22 : 'Click to add the sender\'s email address to your Safe List and move the message to your Inbox', lang_Gen_23 : 'Headers', lang_Gen_24 : 'Hide banner', lang_Gen_25 : 'Email file(s)', lang_Gen_26 : 'attachment', lang_Gen_27 : 'attachments', lang_Gen_28 : 'Last check on', lang_Gen_29 : 'check mail now', lang_Gen_30 : 'No external account found
Click Add and follow the instructions on the screen to add a new account', lang_Gen_31 : '1 message has been deleted', lang_Gen_32 : 'xxxx messages have been deleted', lang_Gen_33 : 'On _xxxDateANDNamexxx_ wrote:', lang_Gen_34 : 'shared pictures', lang_Gen_35 : 'shared files', lang_Gen_36 : 'shared videos', lang_Gen_37 : 'Generating preview...', lang_Gen_38 : 'My shared files URL', lang_Gen_39 : 'Please enter a new name for the file:', lang_Gen_40 : 'Folders, unsupported file types and empty files can\\\'\'t be uploaded', lang_Gen_41 : 'Close full view', lang_Gen_42 : 'Open in full view', lang_Gen_43 : 'You can only select 100 messages at a time', lang_Gen_44 : 'You have no signatures. You can create new signatures in the Signatures section under Settings', lang_Gen_45 : 'xxxEmailxxx is an invalid email and cannot be added to your safe list', lang_Gen_46 : 'xxxEmailxxx is too long to be added to your safe list', lang_Gen_47 : 'Your safe list has been updated.  Messages from the sender\\\'\'s email address will be delivered to your Inbox', lang_Gen_48 : 'Send a message to', lang_Gen_49 : 'Please enter a first name', lang_Gen_50 : 'Please enter a last name', lang_Gen_51 : 'Please select a contact(s) to add', lang_Gen_52 : 'Split pane mode', lang_Gen_53 : 'No messages matched your search. You can search your email in different ways by entering various search criteria', lang_Gen_54 : 'Share file(s)', lang_Gen_55 : 'Download file(s)', lang_Gen_56 : 'There is not enough space on your Drive to upload these files', lang_Gen_57 : 'Remove', lang_Gen_58 : 'at', lang_Gen_59 : 'Click to view', lang_Gen_60 : 'Date uploaded', lang_Gen_61 : 'Date created', lang_Gen_62 : 'Move to To', lang_Gen_63 : 'Move to Cc', lang_Gen_64 : 'Move to Bcc', lang_Gen_65 : 'Headers', lang_Gen_66 : 'me', lang_Gen_67 : 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the folder _xxFolderNamexx_ ? _xxbreaklinexx_ CAUTION: All files and subfolders will be lost', lang_Gen_68 : 'Share file(s)', lang_Gen_69 : 'Download file(s)', lang_Gen_70 : 'There is not enough space on your Drive to upload these files', lang_Gen_71 : 'Remove', lang_Gen_72 : 'We can\'t verify the following email addresses:', lang_Gen_73 : 'Please modify or remove the above email addresses.', lang_Gen_74 : '1 contact imported', lang_Gen_75 : 'xxxx contacts imported', lang_Gen_76 : 'Insert Image', lang_Gen_77 : 'Image URL:', lang_Gen_78 : 'Link Options', lang_Gen_79 : 'Text to display:', lang_Gen_80 : 'Link to:', lang_Gen_81 : 'Show month calendar widget', lang_Gen_82 : 'Hide month calendar widget', lang_Gen_83 : 'Show settings', lang_Gen_84 : 'Authentication required', lang_Gen_85 : 'Please re-enter your password', lang_Gen_86 : 'Password', lang_Gen_87 : 'Need help?', lang_Gen_88 : 'Your password cannot be empty', lang_Gen_89 : 'The password you entered doesn\'t match.', lang_Gen_90 : 'Your email is set to auto-forward', lang_Gen_91 : '"Hi _xxNAMExx_,

Your email account _xxEMAILxx_ has been set to auto-forward to the email address you specified. If this request did not come from you, please sign in to review your account settings.

Mail Support"', lang_Gen_92 : '* Please note: This email message was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.', lang_Gen_93 : 'You received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your account.', lang_Gen_94 : 'Write a reply…', lang_Gen_95 : 'Insert quick reponse', lang_Gen_96 : 'Yes.', lang_Gen_97 : 'No.', lang_Gen_98 : 'Thank you!', lang_Gen_99 : 'Got it. Thanks!', lang_Gen_100 : 'That\'s great.', lang_Gen_101 : 'I will call you later.', lang_Gen_102 : 'I am running late, but I\'ll be there soon.', lang_Gen_103 : 'I\'ll talk to you soon.', lang_Gen_104 : 'I will get back to you later.', lang_Gen_105 : 'Please call me when you get this email.', lang_Gen_106 : 'When is the meeting?', lang_Gen_107 : 'Create new', lang_Gen_108 : 'More options...', lang_Gen_109 : 'Open full composer', lang_Gen_110 : 'Check spelling', lang_Gen_111 : 'Loading…', lang_Gen_112 : 'Back', lang_mail_1 : 'All', lang_mail_2 : 'None', lang_mail_3 : 'Read', lang_mail_4 : 'Unread', lang_mail_5 : 'High priority', lang_mail_6 : 'Low priority', lang_mail_7 : 'Starred', lang_mail_8 : 'Unstarred', lang_mail_9 : 'Replied', lang_mail_10 : 'Forwarded', lang_mail_11 : 'Has attachment', lang_mail_12 : 'Mark as unread', lang_mail_13 : 'Block & delete', lang_mail_14 : 'Delete permanently', lang_mail_15 : 'Open', lang_mail_16 : 'Reply', lang_mail_17 : 'Reply all', lang_mail_18 : 'Forward', lang_mail_19 : 'Mark as read', lang_mail_20 : 'Mark unread', lang_mail_21 : 'Block', lang_mail_22 : 'Delete', lang_mail_23 : 'Date', lang_mail_24 : 'New', lang_mail_25 : 'From', lang_mail_26 : 'Subject', lang_mail_27 : 'Star', lang_mail_28 : 'High', lang_mail_29 : 'Normal', lang_mail_30 : 'Low', lang_mail_31 : 'Save address', lang_mail_32 : 'Set rule', lang_mail_33 : 'Color code', lang_mail_34 : 'Find mail from sender in this folder', lang_mail_35 : 'Find mail from sender in all folders', lang_mail_36 : 'Close', lang_mail_37 : 'Close all tabs', lang_mail_38 : 'Star', lang_mail_39 : 'Move to', lang_mail_40 : 'New folder', lang_mail_41 : 'Empty', lang_mail_42 : 'Star message as important or for follow up', lang_mail_43 : 'Drag to a folder or the reading pane', lang_mail_44 : 'Drag to a folder', lang_mail_45 : 'Open message...', lang_mail_46 : 'More', lang_mail_47 : 'Arrange by', lang_mail_48 : 'Go to page xxxx', lang_mail_49 : '1 message moved to _xxfolderNamexx_', lang_mail_50 : 'xxxx messages moved to xxfolderNamexx', lang_mail_51 : '1 message blocked', lang_mail_52 : 'xxxx messages blocked', lang_mail_53 : '1 message marked read', lang_mail_54 : 'xxxx messages marked read', lang_mail_55 : '1 message marked unread', lang_mail_56 : 'xxxx messages Marked Unread', lang_mail_57 : '1 star added', lang_mail_58 : 'xxxx stars added', lang_mail_59 : '1 message blocked and moved to Trash', lang_mail_60 : 'xxxx messages blocked and moved to Trash', lang_mail_61 : 'Select/deselect all', lang_mail_62 : 'Click the message you\'d like to view (or select the checkbox next to it for more options)', lang_mail_63 : 'Today', lang_mail_64 : 'Yesterday', lang_mail_65 : 'Please enter a new folder name:', lang_mail_66 : 'Enter a valid folder name', lang_mail_67 : 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the folder _xxFolderNamexx_ ? _xxbreaklinexx_ CAUTION: All messages and subfolders will be lost', lang_mail_68 : 'Close tab', lang_mail_69 : 'Open in full view', lang_mail_70 : 'New message', lang_mail_71 : 'Are you sure you want to permanently empty xxFolderNamexx_? _xxbreaklinexx_ CAUTION: All messages will be lost', lang_mail_72 : 'This folder has no messages', lang_mail_73 : 'You are about to send an email with a blank subject line.

Are you sure you want to do this?', lang_mail_74 : 'Yes, send anyway', lang_mail_75 : 'No, wait', lang_mail_76 : 'Did you mean to attach files?

You indicated you have attached files in your email, but there are no files attached.

Send anyway?', lang_mail_77 : 'Attachment are still uploading.

Are you sure you want to send it?', lang_mail_78 : 'Your last message was not sent yet. Give it a little more time', lang_mail_79 : 'The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you read this message.

Would you like to send a receipt?', lang_mail_80 : 'Yes, send', lang_mail_81 : 'No', lang_mail_82 : 'Are you sure you want to remove all attachments?', lang_mail_83 : 'Yes, remove all', lang_mail_84 : 'No, close', lang_mail_85 : 'Your message has not been sent.

Are you sure you want to discard it?', lang_mail_86 : 'Yes, discard', lang_mail_87 : 'No, stay', lang_mail_88 : 'You are about to send an email with a blank subject line.

Are you sure you want to do this?', lang_mail_89 : 'Your message will be translated from _xxLangAxx_ to _xxLangBxx_.

Is that correct?', lang_mail_90 : 'Yes', lang_mail_91 : 'The following file(s) exceed the _xxMaxAttachSize_xx attachment limit:', lang_mail_92 : 'Would you like to send the file(s) using your Drive?', lang_mail_93 : 'Yes, send via Drive', lang_mail_94 : 'No, discard', lang_mail_95 : 'Your message has been sent', lang_mail_96 : 'Updating color code, please wait...', lang_mail_97 : 'Color code was updated', lang_mail_98 : 'The email has been added to you contacts', lang_mail_99 : 'A contact already exists with that email address in your contacts', lang_mail_100 : 'The email _xxEmailxx_ has been added to the block sender list', lang_mail_101 : 'All messages in the _xxFolderNamexx_ folder have been deleted', lang_mail_102 : 'All messages in the folder have been deleted', lang_mail_103 : 'Move message...', lang_mail_104 : 'Move to trash', lang_mail_105 : 'Block sender', lang_mail_106 : 'Move to a folder', lang_mail_107 : 'Select by a category', lang_mail_108 : 'Please enter a new name for the folder:', lang_mail_109 : 'Mark as starred', lang_mail_110 : 'Click to open in a new window or tab:', lang_mail_111 : 'Hide Details', lang_mail_112 : 'Details', lang_mail_113 : 'Create mail rules', lang_mail_114 : 'Confirm', lang_mail_115 : 'Drag to a folder (xxxx)', lang_mail_116 : '1 message moved to the Trash', lang_mail_117 : 'xxxx messages moved to the Trash', lang_mail_118 : 'New mail from', lang_mail_119 : '1 star removed', lang_mail_120 : 'xxxx stars removed', lang_mail_121 : '1 star added', lang_mail_122 : 'xxxx stars added', lang_mail_123 : 'attachment', lang_mail_124 : 'attachments', lang_mail_125 : 'Mark as unread', lang_mail_126 : '1 message has been deleted', lang_mail_127 : 'xxxx messages have been deleted', lang_mail_128 : 'On _xxxDateANDNamexxx_ wrote:', lang_rte_1 : 'Small', lang_rte_2 : 'Normal', lang_rte_3 : 'Large', lang_rte_4 : 'Huge', lang_rte_5 : 'Emoticon', lang_rte_6 : 'Stickers', lang_rte_7 : 'No translation', lang_rte_8 : 'English to French', lang_rte_9 : 'English to German', lang_rte_10 : 'English to Italian', lang_rte_11 : 'English to Spanish', lang_rte_12 : 'English to Portuguese', lang_rte_13 : 'English to Japanese', lang_rte_14 : 'English to Arabic', lang_rte_15 : 'English to Swedish', lang_rte_16 : 'French to English', lang_rte_17 : 'French to German', lang_rte_18 : 'French to Italian', lang_rte_19 : 'German to English', lang_rte_20 : 'German to French', lang_rte_21 : 'German to Italian', lang_rte_22 : 'Italian to English', lang_rte_23 : 'Italian to French', lang_rte_24 : 'Italian to German', lang_rte_25 : 'Italian to Spanish', lang_rte_26 : 'Spanish to English', lang_rte_27 : 'Spanish to Italian', lang_rte_28 : 'Portuguese to English', lang_rte_29 : 'Japanese to English', lang_rte_30 : 'Add Bcc recipients', lang_rte_31 : 'Priority', lang_rte_32 : 'Set message priority', lang_rte_33 : 'Bold', lang_rte_34 : 'Italic', lang_rte_35 : 'Underline', lang_rte_36 : 'Strikethrough', lang_rte_37 : 'Align text left', lang_rte_38 : 'Align text center', lang_rte_39 : 'Align text right', lang_rte_40 : 'Bulleted list', lang_rte_41 : 'Numbered list', lang_rte_42 : 'Type', lang_rte_43 : 'Size', lang_rte_44 : 'Highlight colors', lang_rte_45 : 'Text color', lang_rte_46 : 'Insert emoticon', lang_rte_47 : 'Insert link', lang_rte_48 : 'Insert signature', lang_rte_49 : 'Translate', lang_rte_50 : 'Remove all HTML format', lang_rte_51 : 'Clear message', lang_rte_52 : 'Send now', lang_rte_53 : 'Attach files', lang_rte_54 : 'Attach files from your Drive', lang_rte_55 : 'Share files from Facebook, Twitter and other sites', lang_rte_56 : 'Spellcheck', lang_rte_57 : 'Schedule', lang_rte_58 : 'Save', lang_rte_59 : 'Draft saved in the Drafts folder at xxxx', lang_rte_60 : 'Request Receipt', lang_rte_61 : 'Maximize', lang_rte_62 : 'Maximize', lang_rte_63 : 'Show attachments', lang_rte_64 : 'Remove all attachments', lang_rte_65 : 'Recheck spelling', lang_rte_66 : 'Recheck spelling', lang_rte_67 : 'Close', lang_rte_68 : 'No misspellings found', lang_rte_69 : 'Misspellings found', lang_rte_70 : 'Ignore', lang_rte_71 : 'Remove file', lang_rte_72 : 'Click to play', lang_rte_73 : 'Please specify at least one recipient', lang_rte_74 : 'Upload Files', lang_rte_75 : 'Keep writing', lang_rte_76 : 'Save draft', lang_rte_77 : 'Warning: This action will cause all formatting, pictures, and objects in your message and signature to be lost. _xxbreaklinexx_ Would you like to continue?', lang_trans_1 : 'Author male', lang_trans_2 : 'Recipient male', lang_trans_3 : 'Formal', lang_trans_4 : 'Recipient singular', lang_trans_5 : 'Options', lang_trans_6 : 'Translate', lang_trans_7 : 'Enter text here', lang_trans_8 : 'Close translator', lang_trans_9 : 'Minimize', lang_trans_10 : 'Add Cc recipients', lang_trans_11 : 'Full-screen', lang_trans_12 : 'Insert', lang_cont_1 : 'All', lang_cont_2 : 'People', lang_cont_3 : 'Groups', lang_cont_4 : 'Names', lang_cont_5 : 'Cards', lang_cont_6 : 'Birthdays', lang_cont_7 : 'Work', lang_cont_8 : 'Home', lang_cont_9 : 'To', lang_cont_10 : 'Cc', lang_cont_11 : 'Bcc', lang_cont_12 : 'None', lang_cont_13 : 'New group', lang_cont_14 : 'Import or export contacts', lang_cont_15 : 'Name', lang_cont_16 : 'Nickname', lang_cont_17 : 'Personal IM', lang_cont_18 : 'Personal Phone', lang_cont_19 : 'Mobile Phone', lang_cont_20 : 'Birthday', lang_cont_21 : 'Company', lang_cont_22 : 'Work Phone', lang_cont_23 : 'Work Fax', lang_cont_24 : 'Home Phone', lang_cont_25 : 'Mobile Phone', lang_cont_26 : 'HTML', lang_cont_27 : 'vCard', lang_cont_28 : 'Business Card', lang_cont_29 : 'Web Feed', lang_cont_30 : 'CSV', lang_cont_31 : 'XML', lang_cont_32 : 'Company Directory', lang_cont_33 : 'My Contacts', lang_cont_34 : 'Tags', lang_cont_35 : 'loading tags...', lang_cont_36 : 'Fields', lang_cont_37 : 'Email', lang_cont_38 : 'View', lang_cont_39 : 'This is a company contact. Allow all employees to see it under Company Directory', lang_cont_40 : 'Updated on _xxDateTimexx_', lang_cont_41 : 'created on _xxDateTimexx_', lang_cont_42 : 'Max size is 5MB. You can upload a JPG, GIF or BMP file.', lang_cont_43 : 'Enter one or more tags, separated by commas:', lang_cont_44 : 'Hide Section', lang_cont_45 : 'Show Section', lang_cont_46 : 'Personal Info', lang_cont_47 : 'Title', lang_cont_48 : 'First Name', lang_cont_49 : 'Middle Name', lang_cont_50 : 'Last Name', lang_cont_51 : 'Suffix', lang_cont_52 : 'Mobile Phone', lang_cont_53 : 'Skype Name', lang_cont_54 : 'This is the primary email', lang_cont_55 : 'Email 2', lang_cont_56 : 'Anniversary', lang_cont_57 : 'Spouse / Partner', lang_cont_58 : 'Home Info', lang_cont_59 : 'Home Phone', lang_cont_60 : 'Street', lang_cont_61 : 'City', lang_cont_62 : 'State', lang_cont_63 : 'Zip', lang_cont_64 : 'Country', lang_cont_65 : 'This is the mailing address', lang_cont_66 : 'Work Info', lang_cont_67 : 'Job Title', lang_cont_68 : 'Department', lang_cont_69 : ' Manager\'s Name', lang_cont_70 : 'Website', lang_cont_71 : 'Work IM', lang_cont_72 : 'Work Email', lang_cont_73 : 'Work Email 2', lang_cont_74 : 'ext.', lang_cont_75 : 'Work Phone 2', lang_cont_76 : 'Pager', lang_cont_77 : 'Notes', lang_cont_78 : 'This is a company group. Allow all employees to see it under Company Directory', lang_cont_79 : 'Group Info', lang_cont_80 : 'Group Name', lang_cont_81 : 'Description', lang_cont_82 : 'Members', lang_cont_83 : 'Contacts', lang_cont_84 : 'Add contact to group', lang_cont_85 : 'Type a contact\'s name or email address in the box above', lang_cont_86 : 'There are no members in this group', lang_cont_87 : 'You have no permission to perform this action. Please contact your administrator', lang_cont_88 : 'This group has 1 member', lang_cont_89 : 'This group has xxxx members', lang_cont_90 : 'Click to send email', lang_cont_91 : 'Please select at least one member to perform this action', lang_cont_92 : 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected Member(s) from the group?', lang_cont_93 : 'Please select at least one contact to add to this new group', lang_cont_94 : 'The total size of the photo may not exceed xxxxKB. _xxbreaklinexx_ Please upload a smaller photo', lang_cont_95 : 'Contact has been added to the group list', lang_cont_96 : 'This member already exists in the group list', lang_cont_97 : 'Delete Confirmation _xxbreaklinexx_ Click OK to continue with deletion', lang_cont_98 : 'Add multiple contacts', lang_cont_99 : 'Loading members...', lang_cont_100 : 'Display picture has been updated', lang_cont_101 : 'No contacts found', lang_cont_102 : 'Please type a contact first', lang_cont_103 : 'Updating picture...', lang_cont_104 : 'Please enter at least one email address', lang_cont_105 : 'This field is required', lang_cont_106 : 'Please enter a valid email address', lang_cont_107 : 'Updates have been saved', lang_cont_108 : 'Please enter one or more tags, separated by commas', lang_cont_109 : 'Tags have been saved', lang_cont_110 : 'Tags have been updated', lang_cont_111 : 'Save', lang_cont_112 : 'Cancel', lang_cont_113 : 'January', lang_cont_114 : 'February', lang_cont_115 : 'March', lang_cont_116 : 'April', lang_cont_117 : 'May', lang_cont_118 : 'June', lang_cont_119 : 'July', lang_cont_120 : 'August', lang_cont_121 : 'September', lang_cont_122 : 'October', lang_cont_123 : 'November', lang_cont_124 : 'December', lang_cont_125 : 'Contact has been deleted', lang_cont_126 : 'Examples: family, friends, colleagues, sales, ...', lang_cont_127 : 'Add new section', lang_cont_128 : 'Remove section', lang_cont_129 : 'You must enter a valid birthday date', lang_cont_130 : 'You must enter a valid anniversary date', lang_cont_131 : 'Add Contact', lang_cont_132 : 'Export', lang_cont_133 : 'Email contact as', lang_cont_134 : 'Download vCard', lang_cont_135 : 'Click a tag to get all related contacts', lang_cont_136 : 'Full Name', lang_cont_137 : 'Click to scroll', lang_cont_138 : 'This is a company group. Allow all employees to see it under Company Directory', lang_cont_139 : 'Remove from Group', lang_cont_140 : 'Check this box if you want to share the contact\'s information with your colleagues', lang_cont_141 : 'Click to send email', lang_cont_142 : 'Add to my calendar', lang_cont_143 : 'IM', lang_cont_144 : 'Phone', lang_cont_145 : 'Map', lang_cont_146 : 'Contact information has been marked as updated', lang_cont_147 : 'Import to my contacts', lang_cont_148 : 'Import to my group', lang_cont_149 : 'Import to', lang_cont_150 : 'Mr.', lang_cont_151 : 'Mrs.', lang_cont_152 : 'Miss', lang_cont_153 : 'Ms.', lang_cont_154 : 'Dr.', lang_cont_155 : 'Prof.', lang_cont_156 : 'Rev.', lang_cont_157 : 'Father', lang_cont_158 : 'Sister', lang_cont_159 : 'Rabbi', lang_cont_160 : 'Sheikh', lang_cont_161 : 'xxxx contacts have been deleted', lang_cont_162 : 'The email address doesn\'t exist in your contacts', lang_cont_163 : 'Group has been deleted', lang_cont_164 : 'There are no contacts to display', lang_cont_165 : 'By', lang_cont_166 : 'Contact Info for', lang_cont_167 : 'Business Card for', lang_cont_168 : 'Group Info for', lang_cont_169 : 'Other info', lang_drive_1 : 'New', lang_drive_2 : 'Rename', lang_drive_3 : 'Empty', lang_drive_4 : 'Delete', lang_drive_5 : 'All', lang_drive_6 : 'None', lang_drive_7 : 'Misc. files', lang_drive_8 : 'Media files', lang_drive_9 : 'Images', lang_drive_10 : 'Delete', lang_drive_11 : 'Email', lang_drive_12 : 'Send links', lang_drive_13 : 'Add to public folder', lang_drive_14 : 'View my shared URL', lang_drive_15 : 'Send my shared URL', lang_drive_16 : 'Send a link', lang_drive_17 : 'Add Files', lang_drive_18 : 'Trash', lang_drive_19 : 'Documents', lang_drive_20 : 'Photos', lang_drive_21 : 'Audio', lang_drive_22 : 'Notes', lang_drive_23 : 'Shares', lang_drive_24 : 'Videos', lang_drive_25 : 'Other', lang_drive_26 : 'You are using xxxx% of _xxStoragexx_', lang_drive_27 : 'Photos Slideshow', lang_drive_28 : 'Statistics', lang_drive_29 : 'Click to view image or drag-and-drop into a folder', lang_drive_30 : 'Click to download file', lang_drive_31 : 'Share', lang_drive_32 : 'Download', lang_drive_33 : 'Edit', lang_drive_34 : 'Attach files from Drive', lang_drive_35 : 'This folder is empty', lang_drive_36 : 'Go back', lang_drive_37 : 'Insert as links', lang_drive_38 : 'Add as attachments', lang_drive_39 : 'Close', lang_drive_40 : 'xxxx files added to public folder', lang_drive_41 : '1 file added to public folder', lang_drive_42 : 'xxxx files removed from public folder', lang_drive_43 : '1 file removed from public folder', lang_drive_44 : 'xxxx files moved to _xxFolderNamexx_', lang_drive_45 : '1 file moved to _xxFolderNamexx_', lang_drive_46 : 'Are you sure you want to delete the file(s)?', lang_drive_47 : 'xxxx files deleted', lang_drive_48 : '1 file deleted', lang_drive_49 : 'Remove share', lang_drive_50 : 'Copy', lang_drive_51 : 'Move', lang_drive_52 : 'Public Folders', lang_drive_53 : 'Click to open folder', lang_drive_54 : 'By Name', lang_drive_55 : 'View last slide', lang_drive_56 : 'Send', lang_drive_57 : 'View first slide', lang_drive_58 : 'Thumbnails', lang_drive_59 : 'Play/Pause', lang_drive_60 : 'Drivetop Statistics', lang_drive_61 : 'Download all attachments', lang_drive_62 : 'Try dragging a file into this window', lang_drive_63 : 'Public files are files that anyone can access with a special "public link" you give them.You can share the public link in an email, text message, or even publish it to your Facebook, Twitter, or blog. It\'s a simple way to share large files with lots of people -- recipients don\'t need to create an account. Don\'t share files which are confidential, such as financial information, or which you do not have the right to distribute.', lang_drive_64 : 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the folder _xxFolderNamexx_ ? _xxbreaklinexx_ CAUTION: All files and subfolders will be lost', lang_msearch_1 : 'From', lang_msearch_2 : 'To', lang_msearch_3 : 'Cc', lang_msearch_4 : 'Subject', lang_msearch_5 : 'Full message', lang_msearch_6 : 'Message headers', lang_msearch_7 : 'Date', lang_msearch_8 : 'On', lang_msearch_9 : 'Before', lang_msearch_10 : 'Since', lang_msearch_11 : 'Month', lang_msearch_12 : 'Jan', lang_msearch_13 : 'Feb', lang_msearch_14 : 'Mar', lang_msearch_15 : 'Apr', lang_msearch_16 : 'May', lang_msearch_17 : 'Jun', lang_msearch_18 : 'Jul', lang_msearch_19 : 'Aug', lang_msearch_20 : 'Sep', lang_msearch_21 : 'Oct', lang_msearch_22 : 'Nov', lang_msearch_23 : 'Dec', lang_msearch_24 : 'Day', lang_msearch_25 : 'Size', lang_msearch_26 : 'Less than', lang_msearch_27 : 'Greater than', lang_msearch_28 : 'Type', lang_msearch_29 : 'All', lang_msearch_30 : 'New only', lang_msearch_31 : 'Replied only', lang_msearch_32 : 'Forwarded only', lang_msearch_33 : 'Folders', lang_msearch_34 : 'Search', lang_msearch_35 : 'Close', lang_msearch_36 : 'Search emails', lang_msearch_37 : 'Show search options', lang_msearch_38 : 'Clear search', lang_msearch_39 : '1 message matched your search', lang_msearch_40 : 'xxxx messages matched your search', lang_msearch_41 : 'Your query contained no search terms. Please enter your search terms in the Search box and click Search', lang_msearch_42 : 'No messages matched your search', lang_msearch_43 : 'Please wait...searching for _xxSearchTermsxx_', lang_msearch_44 : 'Please select the month', lang_msearch_45 : 'Please select the day', lang_msearch_46 : 'Please enter the size of the message(s) in KB', lang_msearch_47 : 'All folders', lang_msearch_48 : 'Full message', lang_msearch_49 : 'Message headers', lang_msearch_50 : 'Please complete the filter condition(s)', lang_msearch_51 : 'Please enter a valid date', lang_msearch_52 : 'Please enter a size greater than 0', lang_msearch_53 : 'Your rule was created', lang_msearch_54 : 'Advanced search', lang_mbox_1 : 'All', lang_mbox_2 : 'None', lang_mbox_3 : 'Photos', lang_mbox_4 : 'Videos', lang_mbox_5 : 'Audio', lang_mbox_6 : 'Other', lang_mbox_7 : 'Name', lang_mbox_8 : 'Size', lang_mbox_9 : 'Type', lang_mbox_10 : 'Drop files ANYWHERE...', lang_mbox_11 : 'to instantly store, organize, share or attach them', lang_mbox_12 : '1 file (xxxx) has been uploaded', lang_mbox_13 : 'xxxx files (_xxsizexx_) have been uploaded', lang_mbox_14 : 'Organize files', lang_mbox_15 : 'Automatically sort files into folders based on type', lang_mbox_16 : 'Close uploader. Uploaded files will remain in your Drive', lang_mbox_17 : 'Apply', lang_mbox_18 : 'Go to Drive', lang_mbox_19 : 'Edit photo', lang_mbox_20 : 'Uploading file (xxxx) to Drivetop...', lang_mbox_21 : 'Are you sure you would like to cancel? _xxbreaklinexx_ This will interrupt all uploads in progress', lang_mbox_22 : 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file from your Drive?', lang_mbox_23 : 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete _xxTotalFilesxx_ files from your Drive?', lang_mbox_24 : 'xxxx files have been deleted', lang_mbox_25 : '1 file has been deleted', lang_mbox_26 : 'In upload queue', lang_mbox_27 : 'Uploading _xxFilexx_ of _xxTotalxx_ files ( _xxTotalZisexx_ ) to Drivetop', lang_mbox_28 : 'We are sorry, but to use the uploader, you need a browser that support HTML5', lang_mbox_29 : 'To view my shared file -- just click the link below', lang_mbox_30 : 'Please wait until all files have finished uploading', lang_mbox_31 : 'xxxx files have been organized', lang_mbox_32 : '1 file has been organized', lang_mbox_33 : 'Cancel upload', lang_mbox_34 : 'Edit picture', lang_mbox_35 : 'Uploading file, please wait...', lang_mbox_36 : 'Drop files anywhere to instantly store, organize, share or attach them', lang_mbox_37 : 'Done', lang_mbox_38 : 'To view my shared files -- just click the links below', lang_cal_1 : 'Add Reminder', lang_cal_2 : 'Add task', lang_cal_3 : 'Add note', lang_cal_4 : 'Add Appointment', lang_cal_5 : 'Week', lang_cal_6 : 'Year', lang_pop_1 : 'Last check xxxx', lang_pop_2 : 'Auto check enabled', lang_pop_3 : 'Auto check disabled', lang_pop_4 : 'Account enabled', lang_pop_5 : 'Account disabled', lang_pop_6 : 'Active', lang_pop_7 : 'Disabled', lang_pop_8 : 'Auto check', lang_pop_9 : 'Manual check', lang_pop_10 : 'Authenticating with server …', lang_pop_11 : 'Authenticated', lang_pop_12 : 'Authentication failed!', lang_pop_13 : 'Account has no new messages', lang_pop_14 : 'Please wait while we fetch new messages…', lang_pop_15 : 'An unknown error has occurred', lang_pop_16 : 'Sucessfully connected to your POP3 server and retrieved 1 message', lang_pop_17 : 'Sucessfully connected to your POP3 server and retrieved xxxx messages', lang_pop_18 : 'Click to open', lang_pop_19 : 'Click to check for new mail', lang_pop_20 : 'Enable', lang_pop_21 : 'Disable', lang_pop_22 : 'xxxx minutes', lang_pop_23 : '1 hour', lang_pop_24 : 'xxxx hours', lang_pop_25 : 'Manual only', lang_pop_26 : 'External mail accounts', lang_pop_27 : 'No external account found', lang_pop_28 : 'No external account found
Click Add and follow the instructions on the screen to add a new account', lang_pop_29 : 'Server has no messages to download', lang_pop_30 : 'Last check on', lang_pop_31 : 'check mail now', lang_soc_1 : 'Change Tumblr blog', lang_soc_2 : 'Select a picture', lang_soc_3 : 'Share pictures from Tumblr', lang_soc_4 : 'Tumblr blog name', lang_soc_5 : 'Go', lang_soc_6 : 'shared files', lang_soc_7 : 'shared videos', lang_soc_8 : 'shared pictures', lang_mfilter_1 : 'Quick Filters', lang_mfilter_2 : 'To me', lang_mfilter_3 : 'Note to self', lang_mfilter_4 : 'From sender', lang_mfilter_5 : 'My Contacts', lang_mfilter_6 : 'Company Directory', lang_mfilter_7 : 'Others', lang_mfilter_8 : 'Unread', lang_mfilter_9 : 'Starred', lang_mfilter_10 : 'More...', lang_mfilter_11 : 'More views...', lang_mfilter_12 : 'With attachments', lang_mfilter_13 : 'Yesterday', lang_mfilter_14 : 'Last week', lang_mfilter_15 : 'Allow multiple filters', lang_mfilter_16 : 'Add as new', lang_mfilter_17 : 'Done', lang_mfilter_18 : 'Try them all, keep what fits', lang_mfilter_19 : 'Try out all of the new inbox views to see what fits you best. You can always switch back if you change your mind.', lang_mfilter_20 : 'View only messages with you on the To line.', lang_mfilter_21 : 'View only messages with you and others on the To line.', lang_mfilter_22 : 'View only messages from your personal contact list.', lang_mfilter_23 : 'View only messages from people in the Company Directory.', lang_mfilter_24 : 'View only messages from people who are not listed in your contacts.', lang_mfilter_25 : 'View all messages sent from a specific sender.', lang_mfilter_26 : 'Add all email addresses that belong to this person for maximum results.', lang_mfilter_27 : 'Sender\'s name', lang_mfilter_28 : 'Email addresses', lang_mfilter_29 : 'Do you send yourself notes?  Then use this filter to view messages you sent to yourself.', lang_mfilter_30 : 'View only unread messages.', lang_mfilter_31 : 'View only starred messages.', lang_mfilter_32 : 'View only messages that have an attachment.', lang_mfilter_33 : 'View only messages received yesterday.', lang_mfilter_34 : 'View only messages received last week.', lang_mfilter_35 : 'Confirmation', lang_mfilter_36 : 'Click Add as new to create another filter.   You can create as many filters as you need.', lang_mfilter_37 : 'Click Done to update the main filter.', lang_mfilter_38 : 'Please enter a valid email address', lang_mfilter_39 : 'You\'ve already added this email address', lang_mfilter_40 : 'Please specify a name', lang_mfilter_41 : 'Please specify at least one email address', lang_mfilter_42 : '__XXXX__ message(s) in this filter', lang_mfilter_43 : 'Type a new response…', lang_mfilter_44 : 'Your reply cannot be empty', lang_mfilter_45 : 'Reply to __XXEmailXX__', lang_mfilter_46 : 'Myself included', lang_mfilter_47 : 'Filter already exists', lang_mfilter_48 : 'Start with', lang_mfilter_49 : 'Has words', lang_mfilter_50 : 'Whole phrase', lang_mfilter_51 : 'Contains', lang_mfilter_52 : 'You can remove any filter by clicking on the X icon next to it.', lang_mfilter_53 : 'Add', lang_mail_ex_1 : 'Mark as Spam', lang_mail_ex_2 : '1 moved to Spam', lang_mail_ex_3 : 'xxxx moved to Spam', lang_mail_ex_4 : 'Not Spam', lang_mail_ex_5 : '1 unmarked as spam and moved to the Inbox', lang_mail_ex_6 : 'xxxx unmarked as spam and moved to the Inbox', tnbinbox_tab_delete : 'Trash', tnbinbox_tab_junk : 'Junk Mail', L1 : 'bye :(' }; //Return the translated text this.Text = function(sKey, bHTML) { if (this.bDebug) return( 'XXXXX' ); else { var sValue = ''; if ( lang.hasOwnProperty(sKey) ) sValue = lang[sKey]; else sValue = '@' + sKey; return( sValue ); } } //Getting the array properties' names and values this.GetLangKeys = function() { var sList = ''; var strName, strValue ; for(strName in lang) { strValue = lang[strName] ; sList += strName + ':' + strValue + '\n'; } return(sList); } } //::::::::::::: var mcLang = new clsLang(); //mcLang.bDebug = true; //alert(mcLang.Text('L0',0)); //var sLangList = m_clsLang.GetLangKeys(); //alert(sLangList) /* mcLang.Text('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',0) */